Links from Nov. 19 Outreach Systems Meeting

Background: Building from a preliminary survey done by Bi-State, we want to understand how FQHCs are accessing information on food resources and connecting patients with those resources. On Nov. 19th, 2020, a Roundtable of resource people explained how their programs provide connections for FQHC patients to community resources for food security. These panelists were chosen because they were recommended by at least one FQHC as an important information source. Panelists also spoke to how COVID-19 has affected their approach to getting out food information. FQHCs also discussed what is working / isn’t working for them.

The Agenda (with links to background documents / handouts)

Overview of programs that were represented on our panel.

Post-Meeting Survey - even if you didn't participate, this survey includes questions like what you want to learn more about, so it's still relevant.

Audio from the session - if you decide you're fond of audio tracks on this topic, don't forget to check out our Bi-State podcast . If you want to play the long game in finding out what happened at the meeting, you can wait for an abridged podcast version of this audio to be available. . . as soon as we can get to it. (Audio editing, it takes longer than you might think).


Food Security 2021 Update, Dec 15th


We have a website . . .