Medically Tailored Meals

We are excited to be working with consultant Marydale DeBor of Fresh Advantage, LLC, to explore next steps towards developing medically tailored meals programs at scale in Vermont. Marydale will be studying options and developing public presentations on the results in late spring, 2021.

Medically Tailored Meals (MTMs) are a particular type of ‘food is medicine’ intervention. They are highly targeted to treating particular diseases, and as such often demonstrate clinical quality improvements and health care costs savings on a shorter timescale than prevention-focused programs. Because these programs often come with nutrition education and provide food for a patient’s entire household, some groups categorize them as both treatment and prevention. The national Food is Medicine Coalition provides a detailed definition and guidelines.

For more details, including a recently-added link to a brief MTM research bibliography, please visit the Medically Tailored Meals section of this site.


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