Nutrition Services Updated

We have added and updated a Nutrition Services & Education page to this website. The new page contains an expanded overview of programs available in Vermont and a link to a new Food Access and Health Care consortium report on access to nutrition counseling, education, and other services in rural Vermont health care systems.

The report contains recommendations for additional work to clarify current access options and gaps. One recommendation that we will begin work on immediately is resources to reduce confusion over what Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) services are reimbursable. This topic can be particularly confusing because the rules are different between different payers. Also, because MNT is a service by referral, clarity is needed both with the dietitians providing the service and with the providers referring to the service. Expect more materials on this issue coming soon.

2022 Landscape of Nutrition Services Available in Vermont


NBRC Health System Chartbooks


White House Conference on Hunger