Podcast - Freakonomics, MD

We’re getting close to wrapping up interviews for the Policy in Plainer English Podcast Season 4 and will start posting new episodes in November. Season 4 has got it all - from truffle hunts to cookie dough ice cream to rotted shark. During the wait, we’ll post some other podcast recommendations here, starting with a pair of episodes from Freakonomics, MD.

This new podcast, from the Freakonomics media family, combines medicine and economic policy. You can hear the host talking about the field on this interview.

Two recent episodes spoke to a critical challenge in integrating food and health care - even the most perfectly planned diet is hard to follow. Patient adherence to treatment plans is always tricky (just talk to a physical therapist). As we’ll discuss more in the Policy in Plainer English podcast, food represents some particular challenges even when many common barriers, like affordability, accessibility, and cooking skills, have been cleared away. These two episodes from Freakonomics, MD both mention the issue of patients participating in diet change as part of exploring some broader topics in successful treatment programs, they’re worth a listen!

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