Farm to Plate Gathering

Registration is open for the annual (virtual) Farm to Plate Gathering, November 18 - 19.

Farm to Plate coordinates statewide efforts to build a strong local food system. They perform strategic planning across a range of topic areas in food systems, including the connections between local food and health. They recently updated the state’s 10 year food system strategic plan for the next decade, a copy of which can be found here. This fall, the Food Access and Health Care consortium will be working with Farm to Plate on how to address transportation as a barrier to accessing nutritious food and to participating in programs that promote healthy diets . We are also working on plans for a community of practice to support effective CSA-style health care programs as an offshoot of previous F2P committee work on connecting local food in health care. We featured partnerships with one local agriculture organization, and Farm to Plate participant, Healthy Roots in our Policy in Plainer English podcast series (and will have more in our upcoming Season 4!).

There’s lots to explore in this intersection of local food system work and health care, and the annual gathering is a great opportunity to make connections! See below for the detailed Save the Date and registration link from Farm-to-Plate.

The 2021 Farm to Plate Gathering will be hosted virtually on Thursday, November 18th from 9:30am-5:00pm and Friday, November 19th from 9:00am-1:00pm. This year we will explore inspiring efforts across the state that are bringing the 2021-2030 Strategic Plan to life, offer practical trainings and topic deep dives to help your organization, farm, or food business, unveil the next iteration of the Farm to Plate Network and how we can work collectively to implement strategic priorities over the next decade, and mix in a good dose of food trivia and fun.

More information on full agenda and speakers will be posted here – check back regularly for updates. Links to sessions will be sent to you prior to the Gathering via email. There is a flat fee of $45 to register for the Gathering regardless of number of sessions/days attended. We’re offering to cover the registration fee for farmers and farm workers, small food business owners and employees, BIPOC, and students who need assistance with registration costs. Please click here to apply for a scholarship to cover the registration fee, and encourage those in your own networks to apply as well! If you are applying for a scholarship, please do not register until you hear from our Farm to Plate Staff.


Webinar Oct 12th


ICD-10 Code Update