Food Security Innovation - Job Opening

The Vermont Foodbank is looking for someone to lead a 2-3 year Food Security Innovation Lab program. See the brief description below, follow this link for details and how to apply.

Food Security Innovation Lab Lead - Position Purpose:

Reporting to the CEO, the Vermont Foodbank’s Food Security Innovation Lab Lead will build and manage a lean innovation team that will pilot, evaluate, then scale new solutions to food insecurity in communities and across the state. All with a consideration of addressing root causes of hunger and poverty. The Food Security Innovation Lab will be made up of a small core team (Innovation Lab Lead and Innovation Lab Project Manager), and the Lab Lead is empowered to recommend staffing the lab with functional experts within a budget, with a primary focus on leveraging existing staff. The team will work collaboratively to design, implement, and evaluate limited-scope projects that have the potential to be scaled up in specific communities or statewide. A critical mandate for this team is to facilitate cross-department communication and learning. The Innovation Lab Lead will supervise this cross-functional Innovation Lab team and will be tasked with developing a process to invite, collect, assess, and triage ideas from staff and external partners to see how/if they can be funded and implemented. Generally, an Innovation Lab project is defined as one that: addresses a problem that cannot be solved with either food or money; produces a deliverable/outcome at the end; and is managed by the Foodbank (as opposed to being managed by/through community partners). Link to full job posting.


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