Updates to Data & Measurement

We have updated and expanded the Data & Measurement section of our website to include:

The Program Evaluation Models section of the site collects examples of different approaches and evaluation tools used by current programs, with a focus on standardized national tools (see, for example, this overview of resources, provided by SNAP-ED and correlated to their key outcomes matrix).

This section does not get into detail on Vermont-specific tools that are not correlated to common national measures. Some states have data collection platforms in place to help harmonize the different tools in use and centralize the collection & evaluation tasks. See, for example, the Food Farmacy project in West Virginia. The Vermont Farm to Plate network has been working for over a decade to gather data on the Vermont food system, and is another example of matching up different evaluation tools into a common report on impact. The VT FAHC is also monitoring national “food is medicine” conversations to anticipate federal policy changes related to data collection. See, for example, this Priorities Letter from the Food Is Medicine coalition that highlights several data standardization goals (screening & referral; medical billing & coding).

We will continue to update, refine, and fill in this section of the site. Coming soon will be an expanded Hunger Vital Sign explainer series with implementation toolkits. We are also working on a conversation guide for community-based organizations to work with health care partners on reaching clarity around shared goals and responsibilities for project evaluation. If you have materials you think would be useful, or would like to help review the drafts, please contact: hlabun@bistatepca.org.


White House Conference on Hunger - Update


NBRC Health System Chartbooks