Food Is Medicine Accelerator

The Food Is Medicine Accelerator Program is now accepting applications from non-profit organizations interested in developing Medically Tailored Meals programs. The deadline to apply is Monday, April 4th, with the program starting July, 2022.

The accelerator program includes:

  • 12-month technical assistance program for a cohort of 3-5 agencies

  • Group trainings on:

    • Operational levers for scaling, such as kitchen expansion, distribution, meal packaging, nutrition, client services, contracting opportunities and compliance

    • Policy levers that will establish coverage of MTM, particularly within the Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance market

    • National and state-level opportunities for healthcare contracting

  • Customized individual agency coaching

Eligible applicants must:

  • Be a nonprofit organization with the capacity to dedicate to an intensive 12-month training program requiring travel to Boston and New York

  • Have experience with food safety and commercial food production

  • Have access to a commercial kitchen (capable of volume meal production)

  • Have an RDN on staff or be willing to hire one

  • Demonstrate a commitment to providing medically tailored home-delivered meals to individuals coping with illness

  • Contribute a participation fee of $20,000 per organization

The application is found here.

Ahead of launching the new Accelerator application, the Food Is Medicine Coalition has also updated the resources on their website, including:


Virtual Nutrition Education


New AHA Resource on SDOH